Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Baby's First Post

Greetings. My name is Leah and I’m in my final term of library school (er, a candidate for the Masters of Library and Information Science from the University of Western Ontario). This blog is created for a specific course (LIS 757: Social Software & Libraries), so it will be kept up to date through August at the very least.

As for my expectations: nothing on the syllabus was unrecognizable. The biggest change for me will be the participatory aspect: I’ve read blogs for years, but haven’t had one of my own. I know what an RSS aggregator is, but I’ve never used one. I don’t find the Library 2.0 hoopla terrifying so much as a little bewildering, and I’m looking forward to learning more.

I do have some old-fashioned sensibilities when it comes to libraries: I love books, I love old book smell, I love browsing through shelves, and curling up with a book and a cup of tea. I come from a family of bibliophiles (which includes two other librarians). But, I’m also a fan of the many wonders of the internet, and all of the cheap and easy things we in library school are taught to disapprove of on principle (Google, GoogleScholar, wikipedia).

I’m not as whimsical or as literate as the title suggests.


amanda said...

Hi Leah - welcome to 757. Hope you enjoy the term!

Unknown said...

Hi Leah!

Your last paragraph brings back so many memories….like 505…..

I completely understand your comment on the participating aspect. When it comes to reading, I too prefer the old fashion paper form. My other worry is there are so many links, information, and sites that we have to keep track of, without maintaining paper copies – not my strongest point.

I guess, this would be a good opportunity to learn how to depend on a computer screen completely without any paper copies – “creating a paperless society, to save the trees”

Hope to hear lots from you over the term. Have fun!

Acadian_jl said...

Hi Leah,

I must say that I understand and can relate to your love of the traditional old library way of thinking. Before I made my choice to come and do the MLIS gig, I was working in a Microforms Dept. for 2 years at UNB in New Brunswick while I was working on my MA in History. I loved the way of preserving and was quite the "non-fan" of digitization, but my perception of libraries and technology has somewhat shifted. I still love the old book smell, keeping things on microfilm, but I also have a much larger respect for technology and the advantages and opportunities it can bring to a library. Having had my NRCan/Wiki experience and reading and getting more into other social softwares, and the advantages, I think that having an open mind is the way to go.

Anyways, my 2cents worth


Alexandra said...

Hi Leah,

I am totally with you on the "curling up with a book and a cup of tea"!! Sounds like a good idea right now!

Gerry said...

Hi Leah

From hallway to cyber-space..gotta love it! I certainly identify with your old-fashioned sensibilities, and curling up with a book and a cup of tea is at the top of my favourite things to do list. Can you imagine curling up with your laptop? Does it even deserve contemplation?
