Thursday, June 21, 2007

Case Studies & Other Notes

I wasn’t that impressed by any of the pages for the various libraries this week (La Grange, Lansing, Seldovia or Thomas Ford Memorial.) I thought that the PennTags was the best organized but they all seemed very befuddled. The Thomas Ford Memorial categories seemed to be very technology-heavy (gadgets, web, computers), while in contrast Seldovia had a mysterious “for public” category… surely everything on their publicly accessible page was intended for public? This makes me want to revise my conclusion in the last post—maybe it’s not an issue about classification but one about scope.

I really like and I’m trying to remember to use it more. The conversion from my familiar (and mostly reliable) folders of favourites is still a work in progress. I tend to be using it for things I stumble across that I’d like to read later, whereas my favourite seem to be sites that I want to explore more or think that I’m likely to go back to. RSS feeds have not grown on me at all. I’m using Google Reader, and I think that my reluctance is due to its similarity to email: it feels like yet another email to check daily (and I already have five of those!). I do like NetVibes, though, although its little weather application lied to me earlier this week.

In other social software news, I’ve spruced up the blog a bit, done some actual professional networking via Facebook (one of my former colleagues from my co-op placement found me… hey! it counts), and been nominated to create a wiki for work.

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